The Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Innovations (APJMI) is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of all published content. Our archiving policy is designed to safeguard the integrity and availability of the research articles published in the journal, ensuring that they remain accessible to the global research community indefinitely. We recognize the importance of archiving in maintaining a permanent scholarly record and have implemented a robust, multi-layered approach to archiving.

  1. Digital Archiving
  • Institutional Repositories:
    • Self-Archiving by Authors: APJMI encourages authors to deposit a copy of their published articles in their institutional repositories. Authors can archive the final published version (post-print) or the accepted manuscript (post-peer-review) in their institution's repository or on their websites, provided they acknowledge the original publication in APJMI and include a link to the published article on the journal's website.
    • Support for Open Access: By allowing self-archiving, APJMI supports open access initiatives and ensures that research is freely available to a wider audience beyond the journal's immediate readership.
  • Third-Party Repositories:
    • Partnerships with Archiving Services: APJMI collaborates with recognized digital archiving services to ensure that all published content is securely preserved. We partner with archiving organizations like LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), which provide decentralized and distributed preservation to safeguard the content from loss due to technical failures or other unforeseen events.
    • Public Repositories: In addition to institutional repositories, APJMI supports the deposition of published content in recognized public repositories, such as PubMed Central, for greater accessibility and preservation. We work to ensure compliance with public access mandates from funding agencies.
  1. Long-Term Digital Preservation
  • Publisher's Archiving System:
    • ORDIENT Publishers Archiving: All articles published in APJMI are archived in ORDIENT Publishers' secure digital archive. This system is designed to provide long-term preservation of digital content, protecting against data loss, corruption, or obsolescence. The digital archive is regularly backed up and maintained according to industry standards to ensure its integrity.
    • Redundant Backup Systems: To further safeguard the content, multiple copies of the digital archives are stored in geographically diverse locations. This redundancy ensures that the content can be recovered in the event of a catastrophic data loss at one location.
  • Migration and Format Sustainability:
    • Format Preservation: To ensure that content remains accessible over time, APJMI adheres to best practices in digital preservation, including using sustainable file formats (such as PDF/A for text) that are widely recognized and supported for long-term preservation.
    • Content Migration: As technology evolves, APJMI is committed to migrating archived content to new formats or platforms as needed, ensuring it remains accessible and usable regardless of technological changes. This proactive approach helps prevent issues related to digital obsolescence.
  1. Print Archiving
  • Printed Copies:
    • Print-on-Demand: While APJMI is primarily an online, open-access journal, we offer print-on-demand services for institutions, libraries, and individuals who require printed copies of specific issues or articles. These printed copies serve as an additional layer of archival security, preserving the content in a tangible format.
    • Library Deposits: APJMI deposits copies of printed issues in several national and international libraries, ensuring that the journal's content is preserved in multiple physical locations. These libraries are selected based on their archival practices and commitment to preserving scholarly materials.
  1. Compliance with Archiving Standards
  • Adherence to Best Practices:
    • Archiving Standards: APJMI's archiving practices comply with the standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). We regularly review our archiving policies and practices to align with emerging standards and technologies in digital preservation.
    • Auditing and Verification: Our digital and print archiving systems are subject to periodic audits to verify that the content is being preserved effectively. These audits ensure that our archiving processes remain robust and meet the highest standards of scholarly publishing.
  1. Access and Retrieval
  • Public Access to Archived Content:
    • Permanent Access: All archived content is permanently accessible to the public through the APJMI website and its associated repositories. We ensure that articles remain freely available under our open access policy, in compliance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license.
    • Retrieval of Archived Content: Users can easily access archived articles via the journal's website or through the repositories in which they are stored. The archived content is indexed and searchable, ensuring that it is discoverable and accessible to researchers, practitioners, and the public.
  1. Contingency Planning
  • Disaster Recovery Plan:
    • Contingency Measures: APJMI and ORDIENT Publishers have a comprehensive disaster recovery plan to address potential risks to the journal's digital and print archives. This plan includes measures to recover and restore content during data loss, system failure, or other unforeseen events.
    • Ongoing Monitoring: We continuously monitor the effectiveness of our archiving systems and are prepared to implement contingency measures promptly if necessary. This proactive approach ensures that the journal's content is protected against various potential threats.
  1. Withdrawal Policy
  • Article Withdrawal and Retraction:
    • Withdrawal Protocol: In rare cases where an article must be withdrawn or retracted, APJMI follows a strict protocol to ensure transparency and maintain the integrity of the archival record. Withdrawn or retracted articles are marked and remain accessible in the archive, along with an explanation for their retraction, to preserve the scholarly record.
    • Notification of Changes: Any changes to archived content, such as corrections or retractions, are promptly updated in the archive, and notifications are issued to readers and indexing services to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information is available.